Received my performance feedback review and it was sucks!!! But in fact, it's what i predicted but i don't wish it comes truth. But anyhow, i did! DARN!!
Friday, December 7, 2007
No mood
Received my performance feedback review and it was sucks!!! But in fact, it's what i predicted but i don't wish it comes truth. But anyhow, i did! DARN!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Yippie, finally...we bought landed property
Actually, this house never come into our consideration, and it's totally out of our initial budget. And how come i'm so happy and excited with it? The story is...
One fine day, me who has itchy hand, flip through the advertisement in the local Chinese newspaper and saw the advertisement on a 2 1/2 storey house for sale. So, i just call up for fun, ask for the price and schedule for house viewing.
So, on that day, me and hubby went to see the house. First glance, we like it. The owner renovated and maintain the house nicely. The down side is the price that the owner ask for is very high, then we negotiate, negotiate and negotiate...and even send my accountant mom to talk to the owners who both husband and wife are tuition center owner. When need to deal with teacher, most people will a bit afraid as usually they are really good in doing mathematics, and this is what we faced. That's why i asked my accountant mom to talk to the owner....and after few days' negotiation, finally, we came to a conclusion...YES, we got it!!!
In return, one of the request from the owner is, he will continue to rent the house with us until his new house is ready. He bought a new house at Bay Garden at Queensbay. So, we will let him stay in the house until his new house is ready, but of course, he will be tenant and we will be the owner and...we will collect rental from him!!! wwwuuuaaahhhh, he will help us to pay half of the housing loan for at least 6 months, better than nothing...:p
And...what will happen to our current apartment? Hubb and I love this apt sooo much, and we decided to keep this apt and probably rent it out. Anyone who come accross to know anybody want to rent an apt, can let me know ya :)
Monday, November 26, 2007
Global Incident Map
Just move around and zoom into places that you would like to know what is going on as of now. The map will automatic refresh every 240 seconds, 24*7. Thanks to all the technologies that we have, we are able to have more info on the country without visiting it personally. Or, we will get ourself well prepared with the local situation before we plan our travel.
Have fun playing with it....
Lost and Found
Come and join Friendster. I bet this is not new thing to most of us, but sometimes we tend to forget that we can actually find back our old friends through this powerful website. At Friendster, you can grow your network by knowing new friends from all over the world. You can view those pictures that shared out by others. Last but not least, you can post free classified in Friendster too!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Cloth diaper on sales
If you would like to know more about cloth diaper, you may get more info by visiting the site. It's believe that cloth diapers are more healthier that the disposable diapers. Furthermore, by using cloth diaper, you can help to save some trees! An environmental friendly solution for all! Besides cloth diapers, Mia Bambina also has some other stuff for mummy.
So, what are you waiting?? Faster grab the trial package and give yourself and your little one a try! Never try, never know!
GOD hear me or co-incident?
Somehow rather, the process to introduce formula milk and stop expressing milk seems to be a smooth sailing process to me.
I had bad fever on the day after my lil boy's BIG ONE. I need to take fever and flu medicine. I hate to take medicines while breastfeeding. Furthermore, the medicine will make me drowsy and dry up a bit of my milk supply, so hubb and I decided to give formula milk a try as i afraid all my frozen milk will get consumed up. To our surprise, our lil boy take formula milk happily. And since i need more rest at night, so i stop direct feed my lil boy as well. He doesn't make any fuss when he can't latch on and sleep. He took the formula milk from bottle, then go to his lala-land happily. Maybe he can sense that mummy is sick, so he want to let mummy have good rest.
As for stop expressing, i don't like this very much. The incident that make me stop expressing is, my lil boy was infected by airborne virus, and he vomit, fever, diarrhea for almost a week. I'm busy taking care of him, worry about his condition, and thus, no mood to express milk. And since there isn't any pain at my breasts when i didn't express milk for 3 days, so i take it done deal, am not going to express anymore.
So today is 8th day of not expressing milk, no engorgement, no breast pain..I would like to announce the closure of Joanne's Milk Factory!
Lil Kelvin, you will still get to take mummy's breast milk, but those are frozen. The frozen breast milk can last you for around 2 weeks. After that, there will be no more mummy' s milk milk ya!
I do enjoy the breastfeeding moment that i have with my lil one, but life goes on, i need to stop it sometime. And seems like GOD hear me..or it's just co-incident?
Monday, November 12, 2007
You and your kid
Come to think of it, our own childhood is so fun, so meaningful. We don’t have to learn piano, ballet, drawing at young age. In fact, most of us pick up additional language such as mandarin or English at school. However, nowadays parents tend to speak in more than 1 language to their kids. And hardly you will see kids playing at the backyard with other kids. Most of the time, the kid will be sitting at home, staring computer, playing computer games. Where does the childhood happiness goes to?
I still remember, my childhood is, I spend most of my time playing with my cousins. We will run around in the house, the compound beside the house. To us, we don’t have to worry mummy will come after us with a big cane, ask us to go study MRC, abacus, bla bla. Me and my cousin like to play cooking game, we will use small pen knife and cut the tree leaves into small pieces, imitate what grandma do while she’s preparing food for us. I will run around the house with my teddy bear, whereas nowadays, hardly will see all these scene.
Will I become one of the kiasu parent? I don’t know, seriously I don’t know. One side of me telling me don’t overstress the child, the other side of me telling me if I don’t build good foundation for my kid, he will suffer when he goes to school…..
I extracted this from one of the file that a colleague of mine recently share with me,
Mainly it’s saying, if you love your kid, let them be themselves, don’t program them according to what you want them to be, let them explore their own capability and be themselves!

Sunday, November 11, 2007
I need new curtain
Am going to get some so called professional to do it for me. It looks easy but trust me, for people like me who doesn't know how to operate the swing machine well, the roman curtain will ended up into roman dustbin! Don't waste our time and effort, pay and get some expert to do it for us!
This is another site which provide some sample of curtains. I love roman curtain and roller blind soooo much. Anyway, don't think i will go for roman curtain in my living room. The simple and conventional curtain will do as i already have one roman curtain at my second living room cum dining area, and roller blind in my master bedroom. Price for roman curtain and roller blind a bit costly, but of course, if i can afford, i wish to have roman curtain for my entire house.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Bye bye, my dear dog

Wed 31st Oct , when i back from work, dad told me he send Maggie to vet, when i look at Maggie, gosh, she's real sick! When i walk to her, she can't even open her eyes, i called her name out and she lift her head up and try to open her eyes to look at me. Oh gosh, she really look sick. I was hoping she will gets better after the treatment from first vet.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
My story
Today, i had a "meaningful" conversation with my manager.
M : Manager
J : Me
Ok, 2:15pm, after back from wee wee, i went to her place. She showed me one of the Green Belt project documentation from one of our colleague. She read skip read skip the document, and towards the end,
M: Probably you can join this Green Belt project as they need someone to assist them in pulling data. The current guy that who suppose work on this is overload
J: (Quiet, as i don't feel like talking to her)
M: Well, as the project member for this, you need to know the procurement data as they are doing data clean up now. (Her reaction was like , "i don't think u can handle it!")
J: ( Again, i don't talk, just force myself to smile back at her)
M: How familiar are you with the PLM database
J: (thought of telling her i uses PLM for almost 6 yrs!) Errm, i uses PLM database when i was in Planning team
M: Which table you uses?
J: (Hello, there is tonnes of tables in PLM) Mostly planning related to generate planning report
M: (ask me to learn link table again! duh!) You need to master the data model and probably need to link multiple tables to get the data
J: (always ask me to link table! duh!! sian loh!) Ok ok
M: If i ask the guy to give u his original SQL script, will it help? Are you able to execute it?
J: (Wei, hit the execute button will do mah! Tot i am really that computer illiterate!) Well, better, i don't have to start to write the query from scratch!
M: You think about it and let me know your decision
J: (wah lau-eh, ask me to think and consider, thought she's suppose to assign thing for me to do???) Ok
M: If you don't want to involve in the project, probably i will reject the request, because we have resource constraint
J: (WHAT???!!!!!! Blame on me pula! Again, smile at her) Ok
Next topic
M : What do you think about current arrangement?
J: Well, not much involvement in project, so i can't comment much or feedback much
M: Oh yeah yeahhh.....we need content expert in the projects
J: (ok fine!!! what else u expect me to say when u keep saying me not content expert for procurement! Force me to go over procurement, leaving my planning knowledge behind and now keep hitting me saying i don't have procurement knowledge!)
M: Do you receive the face to face meeting invitation?
J: I think i do...but not for next week, it's week after next
M: You are not the official resource for the project, so you are not invited to next week's meeting. Let me check with the meeting organizer whether you can join the meeting or not as you know, you are not the official resource, so it's not go good for you to join them in meeting room
J: (DUH!!!!!!!! me not official resource!! When u guys force me to come over, you said i will be helping in this project!!) It's ok, since me not official resource!
M: Do you think i should ask BH to loop you in into his emails and meeting with the US folks?
J: (me piss off with her previous comment) If they really need my help, then loop me in, else NO NEED!
Next Topic
M: About next week's dinner, you have difficulty arranging transportation
J: Yes, i need to pick my son from nursery
M: Maybe u can leave earlier to pick up your son. (Leave early? those who know my previous problem, you think i can leave early?
J: (just keep quiet)
M: Well, maybe we can do it this way, whoever come first eat first, come later eat later, and those cannot come, it's ok
J: (u said it's team dinner and u said so!!!!! not sincere at all! Btw, i booked table for normal dinner, how come be come first eat first...those come late eat table and chair??? So i keep quiet and force myself to SMILE...)
M: do you have any question for me?
J: Yes, about the new salary pay range
M: Eh, out already meh?
J: YES, it's out already. I spoke with ex-boss earlier and he said it's out
M: oh ok ok , let me check and get back to you
Thought it's end....but few mins phone ring!
M: Hello Joanne , it's me
J: hi
M: ok, here is the new salary range...tatatata dadadadada blablabla
J: ok
M: May i know what is the conversation between you and ur ex-manager
J: About the job reclassification
M: Oh, what is his respond
J: (piss off liao still ask me more!) TYPICALLY MANAGEMENT TALK!!
M: Can you elaborate more
J: (wah lau, me on fire liao!) ta da ta da ta da...
M: Well, yeah, this is the way we did it
J : NOPE, this is not what i understand from previous manager! They do consider their previous working experience...
M: Only those relevant.
J: Yes, me has planning experience for 6 YRS!! And you guys didn't consider it at all!!!
M: (again all piss off talk)
And at last she said probably i can lead planning project...WHAT???!!! Force me to move to procurement, and no assignment for me and now want to throw me back to planning..tot me s ball is it!!! ARGH!!!!
Help me, what the heck is this!!! So piss off!!!
Cool down, me going back now to see my sweet little pie!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
A Day in the Zoo
One sunny day,since i have nothing better to do, so i go to the nearby "AT" Zoo.
When i was there, i saw a parrot talking to a goat by the name "Scape", in another word, parrot talking to a scapegoat. Their conversation is roughly on the allegation that the chicken in the jungle made on the scapegoat, and the parrot become the messenger between the two. The chicken in the jungle is so high class that she can't walk out from the jungle and talk to the scapegoat.
P- Parrot
C- Chicken in the jungle
S - Scapegoat
P : I talked to C after our conversation, and she understand the whole situation
already, are you ok with that?
S : (Of course not ok lah!!! Who will feel happy after being stab for unknown reason)
Well, to me, i personally feel that if someone happen to make a unjust
accusation on another person, he/she should apologies personally with that
person and not go through someone else to pass the message
P: (As expect, the P will side C) Oh no no no, she didn't make any accusation on
you,she just ask
S: Well , to me, making a statement without any solid reason or proof is consider
as accusation. And why at the first place she make such a statement on me?
P: Oh, she saw you few times coming in late and ONE TIME go off early
S: Oh, the few times coming in late and ONE time go off early , so she can simply
make a conclusion!
P: expected again! show the chicken look!) Oh, maybe that day when i talked to you,
my tone not very good, i apologies if i am too rough
S: Oh, no no, your tone is just nice, you don't seems offense me or anything. It's
her statement that make me feel uneasy
Scapegoat kept telling the parrot that her tone is just nice, nothing wrong with her tone, yet the parrot keep saying it's her problem, bla bla bla...and finally...
P: I apologies on behalf of the chick
S: NO!!! It's nothing relate to you. It's between me and her NOT me and you!!!
P: (Keep quiet for a while! Again, apologies again!)
S: (DUH!!!! Waste of breath! I better go back and sleep!) OK!
Then Scapegoat walk away.....
Come to think of it, it sounds quite similar to our real life,
Chicken in the jungle - Manager's Manager
Parrot - Manager
Scapegoat - Employee
Manager and their manager always RIGHT! They can say anything they want. And with the word SORRY, they will expect we forget whatever they said. BUT...If we do something wrong and no matter how we say SORRY to them, we are dead meat! They will REMEMBER our FAULT FOREVER and EVER, until the day they die!
I remember mom taught me, we need to apologies to people sincerely, personally if we happen to do something wrong on the other person. We cannot just walk away and hope that time will clear off everything.
Hmm...could it be, the higher you climb, the more things need to be downloaded into your brain, so you delete the morale value that we learn from school???
Thursday, October 4, 2007
I want to be a manager
- Manager doesn't need to know much
- Manager can SIMPLY make their OWN ASSUMPTION BASED ON WHATEVER they think
- Manager can come to work late and go off early, reason "busy with off hr meeting"
- Manager can do WHATEVER they like with justification "It's good for you and the company"
Yesterday, my manager (M) told me, her boss (YS) ask her what's wrong with me.
Before this, let me briefly describe the character of the story to you, like what we used to do when we watch movie.
LYS - she's a dungu manager, where she has SINGLE eye lids but she likes to put 2 patches of
BLACK eye shadows on her eyes, so from far, people thought she has BIG EYES...hiaks.
M - she is our manager but she act like highly paid admin to us, everything also don't know
J - me me me....
M is my manager, J is me
M: YS asked me "What's wrong with Joanne, how come she comes to work late and leave
J: (i puzzled and immediately piss off by this statement) Huh? I usually come in before most
of our team mate and usually the last one to leave.
M: Hmm..then how come YS says so?
J: (Oh..i know) Oh, could it be last Friday she sees me walk in around 9 something? I brought
my son to see doc as he is not feeling well
M : hmm...maybe
J: By the way, she must be coming in after me and leave almost same time as me, then only
she can see me coming in late and leave early...right?
M: (keep quiet...expected, as she doesn't has her own opinion)
J : And also, i car pool with hubby, u think possible for me to come in late and leave early?
M : Oh yeah hor...yeah yeah yeah...(well, again, her usual response, DUH!)
J : oh..could it be she sees me carrying my big bag that i keep my milk bag? And usually when
i go to Mother's room, i carry the bag together with my water container, she thought me
just come in when she sees me in the morning, and she thought me going back when she
sees me in the afternoon. I express milk 2 times in office
M: (Again with the same expression) Oh yeah yeah, maybe....
M : How many times your express milk in office?
J : 2 times
M : You still breastfeeding your son? He's turning one soon right?
J : Yes, still breastfeed
M: No plan to stop yet?
J : (hubby actually said can gradually stop, but i'm not going to tell M) No plan to stop yet,
will continue bf until no supply
M: (pause for a while) Actually, it's good...good that you can continue and still have supply.
good good...
J : DUH!
KNS, MF..Pardon my language..i feel upset with this stupid accusation!!!
First, they forced me to move to another area and i just follow whatever their instruction, didn't make any complain or noise...and now find fault with me..DUH!!!!!!!
Then, i walk back to my place, jump up and down ...when i told my team mate about our conversation, most of their reaction was
- "Since when u come in late and leave early so often!"
- "die lah, Joanne comes in around 8am and goes back after 5:30pm, yet the mgmt says she comes in late and goes back early, then next time we all have to come by 7am and go back by 7pm!!!"
After that, i drop LYS an email, tracked she read it or not..i send the mail at 5.28pm and she read it at 6:33pm. Until now, she hasn't reply my mail yet. Maybe she needs to ask her hubby or her group of "consultant" to draft the email. What do you expect, the higher you climb, the less intelligent you will be!!! Hahahahaaaaa...
So at the end, YES, i WANT TO BE MANAGER!!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Yeah!! My first cake!
**No worry, mummy will make one for u when u officially start to eat egg. **
And too bad, i am too excited with my first creation, and i forget to take any pic at all. YES YES, i never make any cake before, this is my first time doing it! During my stay in US, i am glad to have good housemate and friend who can cook and bake well, so i don't have to pick up baking skill, and now, i am slowly learning so that i can make some for my son and hubby in future! Will see how huh! Could be ended up hubb suggest me to buy from bakery! hahaha!
It's fairly simple, otherwise i won't think of trying it. Here is what you need :-
1 block of butter (~250gm)
30 pcs crackers
6 eggs
a bit of sugar (based on own judgement)
1.Mix the butter and egg together
2.smash the crackers
3.Mix 1 & 2 together
4. Pour 3 on a plate
5. Steam for 15 ~ 20 mins
Then..ta daa...finish! Easy right?
But, i tell you, the process of cleaning is a bit messy as you need to clean the butter from your blender or whatever you use to mix the egg and butter.
Dad said it's a bit oily, i think maybe the biscuit that i bought contain a bit more of oil compare to other cracker, and i uses 1 book of it taste a bit oily when it's serve hot.
I put some in fridge and brought to office to share with friends, so far all good comments :)
Maybe it's kept in fridge overnight, so all the oily get harden a bit compare to when it's still hot? who knows..!
And i am too excited til i forget to take single pic of my first creation.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Nice Matters Award
Thanks dear for giving it to me :)

“those that are just nice people, good blog friends, and those that inspire good feelings and inspiration! Those that care about others, that are there to lend support, or those that are just a positive influence in our blogging world!”
So happy happy happy and happy....ok, now i would like to give this award to,
Lay See
Sunday, September 9, 2007
I need a new wallet
Today, i walk into Braun Buffel outlet in QBM, and i found few that i like. All the while i thought the price will be very expensive, to my surprise, the purse is at RM200 range. Hmm...due to i am in hurry to rush back to see my sweetie pie, so i just glance through and will make a trip back there again!! :)
Coffee and me
Hubb and i went to Starbucks at QBM as he needs to get some vouchers. As he tried to purchase Stabucks voucher from the Midvally outlet when we were in KL sometime in Mar07, the store manager told him that Strabucks don't see gift voucher???!!!! I remembered i saw the Starbucks voucher from one of the credit cards redemption catalog.
So, today as we pass by Starbucks at QBM, i told hubby to try our luck to check with the store manager, to our surprise, they do sell voucher!! Duh ! As we were waiting for the store manager to get us the voucher, again, we try our luck to ask whether any free beverage for us...ta daa!!!The store manager gave each of us a cup of medium size coffee. I am not sure what coffee they gave us, but i can tell, there is strong vanilla flavor, strong milk taste and also, i can feel there is some red beans, yummie though!
Besides, i spotted the sandwich displayed at the counter, looks yummie though. Hmm....will go there another time to try on the sandwich!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Baby Nursery decoration
If you are the kid, won't you wish that your parents will turn your room into a nice and cozy room for you? For me, i always dream of having a disney theme Myself likes wall paper very much, and i also aware that it's very costly. But they are really nice and cool !
I went to Island Hospital to visit friend's newborn baby. The wall paper for the nursery wall look so nice, so calming to me, and i like the roller blind very much. The design of the roller blind is teddy bears. I do have one roller blind in my master bed-room, but it's in plain color, without any design. If i move to new house in near future, i will surely do more survey on curtains and blinds :)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Baby food recipes
Finally, i found a cool site talking about baby food which i like it so much. I will screen through and hopefully i will have something new for my little boy on this weekend. However, before my little one get to try on the new recipe, hubb needs to approve and agree then only i am allow to cook it.
I can't wait to share this site with hubb and go shop for other type of veggies for our little boy!
Designated shaded parking place for more than 1 car
Small compound to move around
Don't have to pay monthly maintenance fee
Free to paint the exterior of the unit according to own preference
It's not an easy task to get the housing agent to get you a good house at reasonable price as most of the time, the agent will top up certain percentage from whatever price that the owner intend to sell...And worst still, some agents, they may share the info with others, so ended up, the price for the same unit could be different among different agents. I had this bad experience before.
Now, i found few sites which is cool, you may refer to Penang Property,, Richomes, Penang Real Estate Property. You can customise your search, get some idea on the price range, then your next step could be, buy a local chinese newspaper, search for other agents' phone number and call them, schdule for appointment to view the unit....with some reference, al least you wont get cheated by some of those agent.
So, why wait any further, ACTION!!! GO GO GO!!! If you mange to find a good deal, remember to drop me your agent's contact number ya!
New Job
Moving forward, for the initial 6 mths, i could sense that i will work as a freshman, picking up new thing as i am consider new to the new role...need to famliar myself with all the terms, and also get to know the user "nice" to them...haha! Wish me luck!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Something about my job
Earlier, i checked with boss on what are the upcoming planning project than i can participate in, and the answer is, "nope, there isn't any upcoming project for planning, but for procurement team, they need some help" So, he asked whether can i help temporary. So, i agree with his proposal, but then, the feedback from procurement manager is, they need someone with content expert to help in the existing project. Hello...excuse me, it's in the middle of the project and you ask for help, and yet you looking for content expert...dreaming? WAKE UP WAKE UP! Then, ok, since they looking for content expert in procurement and i am not, then forget about it.
After that, boss approached me again, said that there is good opportunity in procurement whereby i can learn something new, good for my career development, as usual, management talk, bla bla..and indirectly want me to move to procurement. What can i say? So i said "ok ok " even though deep down my heart, i am not willingly to move to procurement, mainly few reasons :-
The mentor that i'm going to have will not be as GREAT as my current mentor.
The manager style is local manager, everything also want to know...sigh
I did have a 1:1 session with the procurement manager, i asked for specific role and responsibility, she can't tell, she can't i feedback to my boss about this. And he said he will work on this for me...see, where got chance for me to say no with the sit and wait!
And today, boss told me, he,and the proc and their boss agreed with transitioning me over to procurement. Hello, agreed? Me agree? No no, i don't get to have any say! So gotta accept what is being put into my bowl, else i bet in the next round of redeployment, my name will be top of the list.
The whole thing looks like a trap to me, first ask me to help , then later said they decided and agree to move me to procurement. Even though there is thousand and one NO NO NO deep in my heart, i can't voice it out, because they won't listen!!!!! So what for i voice it out!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Good service? Bad service?
I ordered a pizza as friends coming over to my cozy apt for lunch cum apt viewing. Around 11am, i called up and ordered a set meal for 2~3 person and the flavor of the pizza is royale masala. I quite like it as it's a bit spicy taste.
Around 11:45am, i received the delivery. Paid RM25 happily and waited for friend. Friend arrived around 12:10pm, so we chatted for a while, tour around the small apt...yeah, tour around, and sounds like my apt very big huh...hahaha..not to tell you the exact size, if wanna know, come to pay me a visit huh!
Around 12:30pm, i received a phone call from pizza hut, saying....the coleslaw that they send me earlier is expired and asked me not to eat it. Gosh, luckily we didn't start eating upon the guest of honor's arrival, luckily we chit chat for a while. Well, what u expect, for girls, usually we chit chat more than eating when meeting up each others.hahahah! So, they will replace the coleslaw with cream of mushroom soup and will arrive at my place in 5 mins time. Wow, less than 5 mins, door bell rang and the same delivery guy stand outside the door and pass me the soup. The guy kept apologies with me, he is so polite. It's not his fault anyway, he is just a delivery man, delivering the food per the order, but yet he is so polite.
So, the food is expired and they didn't check it before delivery it to customer - bad customer service, but they do make an afford to call up to stop us from eating it - good customer service, and when the delivery man replace the order, he kept apologies as if it's his fault - good customer service. So, what do you think as overall, good or bad? for me, i doubt i will call for pizza delivery in near future, at least for couple of months til i forget about this incident..hahaha
Friday, July 27, 2007
What is mother's love means?
Mishandling of maid causing 6 mths old baby fall off from bed, and caused leg fractured.
Poor little baby, both legs need to be hang up, it must be very hard for the baby as he wont be able to turn himself as and when he wants to. Personally, i don't agree with the idea leave the baby alone at home with the maid. Maid is an outsider, how could we simply leave our baby to an outsider? Falling off from bed can caused leg fracture? hmm.....can we or should we trust what the maid say?
This is even more scary. I always don't understand, how can parents kill/torture their own kid. No doubt, sometime it's very hard to handle kid, but, we need to be patience when dealing with kid. And, another thing which i cannot understand is, how could a mother hurt their own kid. The mother should have strong bonding with the kid as she is the one who carries the baby in her womb for 9 months.......
dear mummies, if you decide don't want your own kid, don't hurt them, just send them to welfare department and let the people there help your kid to find a good and better home, ok? Duh! Pls think twice before you "play" with your partner, and ...pls invest in good quality "raincoat" ok!
Friday, July 20, 2007
If i have 1 Million !!
Errm..RM 1 Million, seems like not enough for me....hello, who will say that they have more than enough money for them to spend?
ok, if i have 1 million, i will :-
1.Invest some in local and foreign stock market to generate more $$. (i will outsource this task to hubbby)
2. Buy landed property .... (i always wanted to have landed property, landed property in Penang Island is getting more and more expensive, a double storey terrace will cost at least around RM500k)
3.Save some for Kelvin's education fund
4. Go HOLIDAY!!!! yeah yeah! (Go Japan, Europe, NZ, Alaska, Bora Bora Island, Carribean...etc)
Alamak, see, told you, RM1M really not enough!! Can i ask for more $$$$$$$.
Ok, now, i will tag another 5 ppl :-
1. Angeline - u still owe me ya! and here is another homework for you!
2. Lay See - hahaha, tag you again
3. Poh Kien - u still owe me ya! and here is another homework for you!
4. Joyce - how's your Spore trip?
5. Wooi Sin - Want more handbagss and shoesss ??
Instructions :
**Start Copy**
Proposition: If you Have $1,000,000.00…………………………………
Requirements: continue above sentences
Tag Mode: 5 blogger
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What They Do With Their $1 Million
1. SYH will spend for Family.
2. Miche will give to the needy.
3. Montessorimum will keepsake
4. Chin Nee will Spend on Everything
5. Sasha will spend a little here and there and keep some too!
6. Joanne will spend some keep some invest some
Friday, July 13, 2007
No more veggie pau!
Today, i wake up at 5am to attend EARLY telecon...usually if i wake up EARLY, i will feel hungry easily....
Terence went out to buy me breakfast ....
After finishing my wan tan mee….still hungry…so decide to eat the pau…
Peel peel peel….one small bite…
"eh, how come there is some black shinning thing inside the pau…doesn’t looks like black fungus"….so pull it out..
OMIGOSH!! IT’S A DEAD BUG!!! At this time, all my bulu roma stand up!!!
I nearly throw out my wan tan mee….
Bb,So NO MORE pau for me pls!!!!!!!! It’s so disgusting!!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Mother's love
As a mother, she should protect her child,
but, she is so evil minded,
instead of protecting the lovely child,
she choose to protect the JOBLESS boyfriend of her!
The little girl suppose to be happily run around , play with her toys, get pampered by everyone, but now, she is resting in peace.....
The most interesting point is,
the mother can make up the whole story to cover up what the boyfriend did!
She told everyone that she lost the girl at Bayan Baru carpark.
And at last, guess what.....the final story is....the cruel boyfriend of her, he "killed" the little girl and cut her into pieces....
When i first heard of this, my first impression was,
"WHAT!!! How could you leave your 3 yrs old little girl unattended and you yourself walk away to look for parking attendant?"
"Can't you drive along to look for the parking attendant?"
The case still under investigation and i feel that since the mother so useless, just send her and the bf to dead. Don't waste any time and effort to find out the actual.
Poor little girl, it's good that you leave this horrible family. Hope you will find a better family after reborn.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Do You Need to Lose Weight?
Your Weight is Ideal |
Your BMI is 20.2 - a healthy BMI falls between 18.5 and 25 Congratulations, you are the perfect weight for your height. Even though you may not be entirely happy with your weight, you are healthy. So gain or lose a few pounds if you want, but don't go too crazy! Don't agree? Blame the government standards we based this test on! |
Now, i would like to pass the tag to few people :-
Friday, June 29, 2007
How to tell if i cook
- I may burn the pot...ask Terence how well i burn the pot that he just bought for less than a week
- will spill the water all over the stove, and may forget to wipe away the stain
Should be more than enough points to tell whether i am the cook of the day or not, right!
I don't really enjoy cooking, but i admire those who can cook, bake.....BUT, i enjoy EATING! While we were courting, hubb did the cooking MOST OF THE TIME and me in charge of eating :) But now, i cook!! I cook for my lovely son!!! Thanks baby, so far you LOVE the porridge that mummy cook for you.....hahahaha, coz he never expose to any other food besides those cook by me ...and he's purely on veggie porridge!!So no need any special skill to cook food for my baby.
Apa ini!
When you go apply for a job, they will tell you..."sorry, you are not qualify for this position because you don't have relevant experience, you don't have the qualification that we are looking for....bla bla..." thousand and one reasons...
and sometime, in the org, u will see...someone being appointed to work at the position that he/she NEVER has experience before...but the hiring manager will have ONLY ONE reason to justify why he/she qualify for the position. They will say "he/she has wide experience in bla bla bla bla bla, that's why he/she is qualify for this position"
Funny boh...
this is workplace and this is politic, and this is how good your "shoe polishing" skill kick in
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Alamak - I am so "proud" of myself
I ter-cook the porridge and burn the new pot!
We bought a new cooking pot last happy, got new pot for me to play with...who knows, it only manage to serve us for 2 days. Why? Because on Tuesday i cooked porridge for Kelvin and walk away for a while and the porridge overburn!! And there is overburn stain in the matter how i wash it, it's still there....sign of my victory! Good job !!
Alamak...another incident happen when i work from home today.
Since i send the slow cooker to Kelvin's nursery, so i only have rice cooker at home. After checking with my GUY colleague, Loo, that i can cook barley in rice cooker, then the smart me, procced to cook with rice cooker. Here is the story:-
1st attempt: put barley into rice cooker with water, then happily attending telecon. After tcon, go check at the rice cooker..alamak, barley becomes rice
2nd attempt: Add PLENTY of water into rice cooker, then happily continue to work. Ehh..heard funny sound from kitchen. Alamak, barley water all over the kitchen floor. Aiyoh, Loo didn't tell me that i need to watch at the rice cooker....So, i got chance to play with the big mop that Terence just bought few weeks ago. I need to seperate the "hair" of the mop into three portions and slowly squeeze dry portion by portion.Bb, i salute u, the mop is so big and heavy leh!
3rd attempt:pandai pandai throw one piece of rock sugar into rice cooker. 10 mins later, go taste the barley water...wah lau SWEET!
Bb, no worry, i clean up the mess already..but i will keep some SWEETheart barley water for u later ya...hahaha
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Something about Me and HIM
Ok, let me start with 5 things that he draws me mad:-
- He spends lots of time in the loo. Sometime, i think of putting web cam in the loo to see what he's doing in there. I don't understand how come hubb can read in the loo, it's so uncomfy in there....duh...oh man oh man, i can't understand the reason u spend so much time in there. Maybe you should share your feeling reading in loo with me and "maybe" one day, i may follow you, read in loo! hahaha..hiaks
- Playing with Kelvin at night. Hubb likes to play with Kelvin on the bed. When our little boy gets excited, he will refuse to sleep. Then, i will in trouble. Coz if Kelvin doesn't sleep, then i can't sleep too!! And me love sleeping soooo much, i can go into my sweet dreamland less than 1 min after i lay on the bed. cool huh!
- "Hello!!!....wei!!!....."when he's watching TV, he will tend to shut her ears off from me. But, he can hear the TV conversation very well. I think he's imaging himself as one of the actors in the movie, that's why he ignore me!
- Work work work and work. Long long time ago, before we have broadband at home, both of us rarely work from home after office hours. But now, since we have broadband at home, so most of the time, he will sit in front of computer, work work and work....i know because of me, he has to reach office late and leave office early, but then after office hour, should allocate time for family ,agree?
- Mumbling to himself. Sometime when i talk to him, he did response back to me, but he's mumbling to himself and i have to "huh? huh? huh?" for several times until i piss off. Nowadays i'm sitting at the backseat with our little prince Kelvin, so whenever he talked to me when we are in the car, i wont be able to hear it clearly as hubb is a soft spoken guy, so i have to listen very hard then only know what he's saying.
Time to list down 5 things that i draw him mad :-
- "ok boh?" I like to ask for his opinion when come to the time i need to make decision. Or, sometime, in the morning, when i dressed up to go work, i will ask him "ok boh?". When he reply "ok", i will follow by another question "are u sure ok" hahaha...ask him yet still doubt on his feedback
- Sleep sleep sleep. I LOVE sleeping. I remember. before having Kelvin, i can sleep til lunch time during weekend. Then after lunch, continue to sleep again
- Leaving my thing everywhere. I tend to leave my thing everywhere, and when i need it, i will ask hubb. And if he doesn't know where i put it, i will complain complain and complain saying he doesn't help me to remember when i put it bla bla bla..and in actual fact, i may forget to let him know where i place those thing though :p
- Shoes Shoe more and more! "Bb, let's go shopping. I wanna buy shoes!! "Buying shoes is my hobby. When I'm wearing blue dress, i will make sure my shoes is at least blue or white color; when I'm wearing black dress, i will make sure my shoes is black; when I'm yellow dress, i will make sure my show is beige color,etc ; gosh, if u have chance, come to my house and see how i conquer hubb's shoe rack!
- Shopping !! Can i say most lady like to shop? I am a great shopper! Wherever u bring me to, i will buy something from there. Don't believe, ask my hubby. I can walk into bakery, come out with big and small bag; i can go into small grocery shop, come out with a small bag of something. So, no need to tell when i am in shopping mall!! Of course with lots of lots of big bags!
Phew...took me almost an hr to come out with 5 things for each of us as i need to re-prioritize, re-filter, rethink,re-bla bla bla each points. See, i ter-type 5 things from each of u get to know something about us.
Bb, hope you wont angry with me when u read this blog. Come to think of it, if there is nothing that make each of us mad on each others, then where the spark will comes from, right? No one is perfect in this world, that is why me and you ended up as husband and wife coz we love each other's uniqueness. haha! agree?
Friday, May 18, 2007
What a day!!
I am suppose to attend a telecon at 8am, but i ter-sleep
I am suppose to send yahoo msg to Mr A, but i ter-send to Ms B
And it's the first day i cook porridge for Kelvin, so friend warned me, don't ter-cook til the porridge become rice cake
Friday, May 11, 2007
Well well, when come to such serious thing, me out of idea. I don't know how to help her. Seek advise from other friend, and most of them said confront the hubby. But i tell you ya, 99% the hubby will no point ask. Might as well close one eye pretend know nothing. But, again, how could you pretend?Hard right?
Being a woman is not an easy job, especially for those with kids. You need to act as mummy to your kid, wife and girlfriend to your hubby. Must play multi role..interesting leh!To maintain a family is not an easy job.
Gimme RM1800
Last week, went to Sequins and the tauke soh approached me, keep asking me to go for double eye lid's RM1800!! Wah lau eh...just a 10 mins thingy, and it cost RM1800. She keep ask me to do, well well, if it's RM180, ok lah, i can decide on the spot, but RM1800 wor....
Hmm...u think hubby will sponsor me that amout of money? Don't think so leh...
But then hior , if i go for double eye lids surgery, next time when i bring mr Chiang junior out, people will wonder, how come the daddy mummy both with double eye lids but the baby single eye lids...hahahahaha
Gosh, has been long time i didn't go for facial...i miss the moment. The momet u sleep on the bed, someone massage for you, picit the pimples for you, picit the black head for you...and when u are done with the facial, you come out like a red lobster caused from the picit picit mah.
After deliver mr Chiang junior, aunty liao didn't bother to go for facial ....cannot cannot must go liao, else face will full with dead skin...but when to good excuse is NO TIME!!!
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Home alone with Kelvin - Day 4
I don't have to feel helpless at night when Vin boy make noise;
I don't have to eat lunch or dinner alone;
I don't have to drink milo alone at night before go to bed;
I don't have to bla bla bla......all by myself..
Now i only realise how important my hubby is in my life :)

Friday, May 4, 2007
Captain jump ship!! Titanic liao lah!
"tauke got new role?"
"new tauke joining the team?"
Today, 9am!!! It's the time, it's the time!!
Tauke told us that he accepted new role and will move to his new role by June.
Oh no!! Captain jump ship!!! Titanic liao lah....
Sooo, the next question from us will be,
"who will be our new boss?"
"Will we report to local manager"
Since i have 1:1 with tauke today at 1pm, so i asked him...
At the same time, tauke asked me,
"What are the reaction for those in Penang?", i told him, "When we receive the meeting inv, we started to brainstorm possible outcome and jump ship is one of the possible outcome that we thought during the brainstorming seasson!!" haahahaha
Tauke is working with his tauke to sort out who will "adopt" us. And in 2 weeks time, we will know who is our new boss. Wish me luck!
Of all, i HATE org change the most!!! Duh!!! Hate this sssssoooo tauke, new style....sigh...but this is part of life...have to face it.WISH me luck plsssssssssssssss!!!
Hubb eating KFC in Indonesia..hahaha
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Home alone with Kelvin - Day 2
Hubb called back 3 times...first time is when he reached hotel, second time is after his dinner and third time is before i go to bed, and his supper time. We chatted for a while only.
I hope tonite little Kelvin will be better than yday night. Wish me and little Kelvin luck.
Hope hubb can come back that me and little Kelvin won't miss him for sooooo's many many days and hours, u know!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Hubby check in to Indonesia's Shang-ri La Hotel SAFELY
I passed the phone to Vin boy and he looked puzzle again when he heard hubb's voice over the phone. We talked for a while only as hubb will go for dinner with a colleagues of him who also in Indonesia.
Doubt i will be able to chat with hubb over the net tonite as there is NO Internet connection in the room. The WIFI is only available at the lounge area.Will see how....if not, we will use the convention way, EMAIL.....
Home alone with Kelvin - Day 1
We send Terence to airport around 1:10pm today. Kelvin shouted at daddy when he sees him walk away from us. Hmm...wonder how hubby feels huh. This is first time we gotta seperate with one another after Kelvin borned.
Hmm...i will definately miss him, but wonder will he misses us? hmm...mmuuuaaaahhhh from me and Vin boy
Monday, April 30, 2007
Work From Home
Nothing exciting about my job, as usual, read mail, delete mail, reply mail...but one exciting thing is....
Guess what i did? I fix the wall attachable hanger kit for washing kits in hubb's toilet. Bought it from Thye Huat last Tuesday. I put some soap at the back of the adsorption base coz i read from one magazine, by doing so, it will make the adsorption base to stay on to the wall better wor..will see how...will see when i will heard a loud noise from hubb's toi when he put his thing into the hanger.
Home alone with Kelvin
Wish me luck!
Adventist's Paed clinic
I reached there around 11:30am, got my number and the nurse asked me to come back after 1 hour. Outside is raining, and what you expect me to do? I can't bring the baby to elsewhere besides walking around in the hospital. And it's Sunday, everywhere is so crowded in the hospital. Me and hubby need to take turn carry our little baby and keep entertaining him else he will get bored and make noise.
Met one ex-colleagues there, she told me she waited to 3 hrs!!! WHAT!! I will go crazy if i have to wait for 3 hrs with my baby there.
I think they should implement appointment system so that all the poor daddy and mummy don't have to wait long at the paed clinic. I wish one day they will let us make appointment.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Winnie the Pooh container
Friday, April 27, 2007
"Excellent" customer service
Ok, we reached there around 10:40am.
Reception : Yes, can i help you?
Mom: I'm looking for Ms XXX.
Reception : do you have appointment with her?
Mom: Yes, the HSBC officer arranged it for us.
Reception : Pls have a sit
Happily, me and mom sit on the sofa.
1 min later, a lady came out. My first impression is,
"ehhh...this lady can boh? Can she really help us?"
Why i think so? Because the way she dress up looks like going for shopping, doesn't look like those pro who works in lawyer firm.
When she open her mouth and talk, i almost faitned. She seems to be as blur as me...well, to those who know me, you know lah, me blur blur most of the time one mah :p
Then mom told her we are bla bla bla, then she walk in.
A while later, another lady comes out. She bring us into a meeting room and told us one of her colleagues will come and assist us. Then, another lady comes in.
Me a bit on fire. Can't the suppose to be person come out and talk to us? Why must they make fool of us and let different people come to us and tell us another person will come and assist us.
The lady asked for our IC and another lady come in with a big stack of documents. Again, my impression is, "eh.....this lady can boh?"
So, she started to talk, bla bla bla, as if she is so pro in all the documents. After few sentence, she excused herself and the second lady that asissted us came in and told us that the colleague who spoke to us just now need to go for meeting and ask us to come back later.
WHAT!!!! me on fire liao lah!!!
So i said to her, "YOU TIME IS TIME AND OUR TIME IS NOT TIME HUH!!!" Then i walked out and gave her a good STARE!!!
WHAT LAWYER FIRM IS THIS!!! WASTE OF MY TIME!!! And somemore now is income tax filing season. Mom and me have to look for parking lot so hard...then, this is what we get...duh!!!!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Steamboat Dinner -hiaks
shop ppl - P; one of us - w
P:your table 6 or 7 person?
P: Is everyone here?
w: yes
P: Total is RM126
wah lau eh, so kiasu, afraid we wont pay for the food. So, colleague paid first while the rest of us don't bother much, continue eating...hahaha
They do not refill food quickly, there is delay in food replenishment. Those "expensive" item such as prawn does not get refilled. Even those fish ball also didn't get refill. Sooo ended up, we eat noodle, veggie...well, well, usually i wont eat noodle when i go for steamboat buffet, but then, i have nothing else to eat, i've eaten most of the food there...oh yeah, they do serve fried mee and bee hoon....and the bee hoon all stick together, sigh
And, to your surprise, this shop is forever pack with customers everytime i pass by that road. Sigh, i guess, could be there is no other choice of cheap steamboat buffet shop around Bayan Lepas area.
Sigh, if i know about the "wonderful" service and food, i wont suggest to have dinner there. To my fellow frens who had dinner together, SORRY for choosing this lousy place, we should have drive all the way to Nagore place for Kim steamboat buffet. No no no BIG THANKS,i wont go back to that shop again.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Working from home
i've been non stop eating, except when i am in tcon.
But, one thing good is, i can attending tcon and expressing milk milk at the same time!
from this morning, i started my day with cup of milo, wan tan mee, one pcs of brownie leftover from last nite's dinner, 1 cup of red bean soup,half pear, half apple and half 鸭梨...and 1 big pcs of fish!
see lah, how to slim down!
What a day!!
Why? Lemmi tell u ya...
1st case:
I'm busy playing with the blog and suddenly phone i picked up the phone
Jo: Hello
XX : silent
Jo : Hello ( a bit angry, coz the other end remain silent, at first i wanna scold them, but second thought, nope, maybe some head hunter call me for interview? way, i wanna stay in Agilent til they sack me, :p. So i decided to be funny")
Jo : Yo yo yo, yooooohoooo ..(i learn this "yo yo yo" from colleague of mine)
Finally, the other party speak in MALAY...omigosh!
Telekom : Selamat petang, ini dari telekom...bla bla bla...(i cant remember what she speaks in Malay, In English, she is calling from telekom to inform that mom didn't pay telekom bill for 2 months.....and must pay before 27th of Apr)
P/s: my mom super hebat ya, owe telekom for 2 mths...hahahaha
Jo : ok ok (as i forgot how to speak in malay mah :p)
Then, i hang up phone
20 mins later, my cellphone ring
Jo: Hello
Lady : GOOD MORNING, Joanne
Jo : ** scratch head GOOD MORNING????????** nicely, i said "GOOD AFTERNOON!"
Lady : Good Afternoon, i am calling from Elly and Friend
Jo : ** Happy!! Elly and friend called mean my Vin Boy's toy arrive liao!!**
Lady : You can pick up the toy anytime.
Jo: (**Almost wanna be funny, pick up? means no need to pay izzit** But i didnt )
okok, i will be there sometime this weekend.
P/s: coz wanna bring daddy terence along mah.....or Ah mah along *wink*wink*
Told fren about these incidents, his comment:
1st case: really funny and yeah ... good idea
2nd case : good ... cos everyone assume you only start work at this hour .. so it is morning to you
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Where is hubby
call his office ext, not at his desk;
send him email, half day later only reply me;
call his cellphone, most of the time he will says "call u back call u back, in meeting/tcon"
next time, i will embed a GPS to him so that i can locate him!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Moving house
Nope's moving the blog from other domain to blogspot...
stay tune for more update :)