
Monday, September 17, 2007

Yeah!! My first cake!

Yesterday, I made biscuit cake, too bad, my baby boy don't get to taste it as it contains egg.
**No worry, mummy will make one for u when u officially start to eat egg. **

And too bad, i am too excited with my first creation, and i forget to take any pic at all. YES YES, i never make any cake before, this is my first time doing it! During my stay in US, i am glad to have good housemate and friend who can cook and bake well, so i don't have to pick up baking skill, and now, i am slowly learning so that i can make some for my son and hubby in future! Will see how huh! Could be ended up hubb suggest me to buy from bakery! hahaha!

It's fairly simple, otherwise i won't think of trying it. Here is what you need :-
1 block of butter (~250gm)
30 pcs crackers
6 eggs
a bit of sugar (based on own judgement)

1.Mix the butter and egg together
2.smash the crackers
3.Mix 1 & 2 together
4. Pour 3 on a plate
5. Steam for 15 ~ 20 mins

Then..ta daa...finish! Easy right?
But, i tell you, the process of cleaning is a bit messy as you need to clean the butter from your blender or whatever you use to mix the egg and butter.

Dad said it's a bit oily, i think maybe the biscuit that i bought contain a bit more of oil compare to other cracker, and i uses 1 book of butter...so it taste a bit oily when it's serve hot.
I put some in fridge and brought to office to share with friends, so far all good comments :)
Maybe it's kept in fridge overnight, so all the oily get harden a bit compare to when it's still hot? who knows..!

And i am too excited til i forget to take single pic of my first creation.


Yannie said...


Too bad that I were not in your office. How I wish I can taste your first creation? I like biscuit cake actually. Anyway, thanks for sharing your recipe. I shall try one day.

Mummy Joanne and Daddy Terence said...


It's my first creation!!! Luckily i received positive feedback from colleague. It's pretty easy to prepare, that's why lazy me give a try. haha!

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