
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tomorrow is public holiday!! YEAH!

I am in holiday mood now, so lazy to work. How i wish today i just need to work half day, then can go home to sleep. I NEED lots of sleep!

Yesterday midnight wake up around 2am, having mild gastric, so lazy to wake up, try to sleep, but cannot. So end up, wake up and take a cup of warm fresh milk, then only manage to continue to sleep.

This morning, so lazy to wake up after my dear alarm clock wake me up! Laze around for a while then only drag myself out from the bed. At work now, feel wanna vomit, probably i am allergy to work!!! YEAH!!! Any cure for this allergy?

Tomorrow is public holiday, and hubb plan to bring our little sweetie pie to Youth Park. However, i wish that our little one can sleep a little bit more, wake up around 8 something instead of 7 something as i NEED more sleep, HAHA! If you happen to drop by Youth Park tomorrow, u will see a sleepy dinosaur keep yawning and one adult busy chasing after a toddler! And do pop by and say Hi to me in chase i am busying yawning and didn't notice your appearance.

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