On 27th Sep evening, suddenly we heard Maggie scream in pain and lye on the floor motionless, gosh, it's really scared me like hell, luckily dad was at home. He quickly massage for Maggie, gave her some warm water to drink, wrap her in towel and slowly, Maggie recover. Geez, what's wrong with her...For the next few days, she doesn't has good appetite to eat, but slowly, her appetite gets recovered. So i thought she's ok and didn't bring her to see vet.
Wed 31st Oct , when i back from work, dad told me he send Maggie to vet, when i look at Maggie, gosh, she's real sick! When i walk to her, she can't even open her eyes, i called her name out and she lift her head up and try to open her eyes to look at me. Oh gosh, she really look sick. I was hoping she will gets better after the treatment from first vet.
Thu 1st Nov, when i back from work, Maggie looks more and more sick. She refuse to take any food besides water. She has no strength to walk properly but she still try her best to walk to get water from her bowl. I keep telling her to be tough and i will bring her to see another vet on Friday since i'll be off from work.
Fri 2nd Nov, after having dim sum breakfast, i headed to parents house, still Maggie's condition not improving. So i send her to Dr Pava's vet. When Mrs Dr Pava sees her, her first reaction was "oh, she's really sick!", "she's dehydrated terribly!" She then proceed to check on Maggie and initial suspect was UTI, and i feel a bit relief after hearing that, but deep down in my heart, i don't it's not as simple as UTI. But i choose to believe that she's having UTI problem, and hope that she will gets better after it. Mrs Dr Pava gave her 2 injections, one is to provide glucose, nutrients to her as she's not taking any food since Wed, and the other injection is through cervix into womb. She seems a bit energetic after the injection and she can open her eyes better. I kept injecting dog food to her every 4 hrs.
Sat 3rd Nov, when i reached parent house, my the other dog, Boyboy greeted me with crying sound. Gosh, i started to get panic as from my past experience, it's not a good sign. Previously, when i heard such thing from any of my dogs, means something bad will happen to one of them. When Pipi and Maggie Sr almost passed away, Bobo behave real weird and keep crying softly. I quickly rushed into the house and didn't see Maggie in the house, even more panic, then aunt told me Maggie is outside the house and she diarrhea earlier. Gosh, diarrhea, Mrs Dr Pava said she CANNOT vomit or diarrhea as she's already terribly dehydrated. So again, i rushed her to Dr Pava's vet. This time Dr Pava attended us and when he sees Maggie, he kept quiet for a while, then he listen to her heartbeat, then he shake his head and tell me,
"if you ask for my opinion, frankly i will tell you, no point treating her as her internal organs not functioning well anymore. I will give you 2 suggestions,
1st suggestion, give her daily treatment which will be injecting glucose and nutrients to her, to keep her away from dehydration. And also high dosage of antibiotic for the liver infection
2nd suggestion, put her to sleep"
My mind suddenly blank. Actually i do think of put her to sleep when i sees her suffer so bad, and of course i wish i'm wrong. When i heard 2nd suggestion from Dr Pava, i really don't know what to do. I told him let me go back and think about it and will come back to him later if i decided. Dr Pava is very kind, he keep explaining to us and keep telling us if it's due to religious and we don't want to go for opt2, it's ok. But at the same time, he kept telling us, no point go for opt1 as we will suffer and the dog too. Luckily i manage to control myself in vet's clinic, didn't let my tears burst out. So me and hubb brought Maggie back and i can't hold on to my tears anymore.
When we reached h0me, i called dad and he said go ahead with opt2. So in order not to let Maggie suffer any further, me and hubb brought her back to vet again. This time, we brought Mimi along too as mom said she saw Mimi vomit a bit. We afraid Mimi may get infected by bacteria. When i carry Maggie into the car, she cried softly in pain. She cried because pain or she know what i'm going to do to her? When we reached Dr Pava's clinic, Maggie really restless, she don't even move at all, and her breathing gets slower and slower and she seems like losing her body heat. Dr Pava gave her 2 injections, first is to relax her muscles, make her feel comfortable and second injection is to stop her brain and lung. After her first injection, i can see Maggie breathing normally, and slowly, she passed some urine. After few mins, Dr Pava gave her second injection which will stop her brain and lung. Very soon after second injection, within 1~2 seconds, there isn't any abdomen movement. Maggie IS GONE! She is so sick that she doesn’t even take her last breath, gasp for oxygen!!
Although the whole procedure took about 5 mins, but i felt that it's more than that. Dr Pava said the owner is requested to be there when the vet put the pet to sleep. As he wants the owner to witness the whole procedure, it's not a painful procedure like what others describe.
One thing that touched my heart is, when Maggie is sick, Mimi sort like taking care of her, and the night before she passed away, Mimi went to see Maggie and lead Maggie towards her pillow, asked Maggie to sleep on her pillow. And where Mimi sleeps? This little rascal she then sleep on sofa in living room.
Dear Maggie,
I hope you wont bangry with mummy for making such a decision. You are such a wonderful dog to all of us. We love you very much.
I still remember the moment we brought you back from the seller. You are such a small dog, i started to fed you with one small dog biscuit and very soon you started to eat one small bowl of dog biscuit, then one medium bowl of dog biscuit. There is one time that mummu needs to work late for quite sometime, so everyday you will help mummy to "entertain" Terence. Everyday you will wait for him at the main door, when you sees him there, you will wave and back, asking us to open the gate for him.Then you will wait for him outside the room when he changes his pants, then you will wait for him outside the bathroom when he takes his shower. Then you will sit beside him quietly when he takes his meal. After that you will sit beside him when he watches TV. You are such a wonderful dog!
May you will have a better life outwhere. Rest in peace, my dearest dog!
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