Come to think of it, our own childhood is so fun, so meaningful. We don’t have to learn piano, ballet, drawing at young age. In fact, most of us pick up additional language such as mandarin or English at school. However, nowadays parents tend to speak in more than 1 language to their kids. And hardly you will see kids playing at the backyard with other kids. Most of the time, the kid will be sitting at home, staring computer, playing computer games. Where does the childhood happiness goes to?
I still remember, my childhood is, I spend most of my time playing with my cousins. We will run around in the house, the compound beside the house. To us, we don’t have to worry mummy will come after us with a big cane, ask us to go study MRC, abacus, bla bla. Me and my cousin like to play cooking game, we will use small pen knife and cut the tree leaves into small pieces, imitate what grandma do while she’s preparing food for us. I will run around the house with my teddy bear, whereas nowadays, hardly will see all these scene.
Will I become one of the kiasu parent? I don’t know, seriously I don’t know. One side of me telling me don’t overstress the child, the other side of me telling me if I don’t build good foundation for my kid, he will suffer when he goes to school…..
I extracted this from one of the file that a colleague of mine recently share with me,
Mainly it’s saying, if you love your kid, let them be themselves, don’t program them according to what you want them to be, let them explore their own capability and be themselves!

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