There was a sales at Jaya Jusco on last Saturday, 7th Nov and since we need to stock up diaper for Kaitlyn, so we went to Jusco after breakfast. We reached Jusco around 1130am, and straight i proceed to look for Mamy Poko L size. Look high and low, left and right, up and down, can't find any jumbo pack L size Mamy Poko. Get fed up already as this is not FIRST TIME i encouter such problem with Jaya Jusco. I will say 7 out of 10 times when they advertise there is sales of Mamy Poko, i will have hard time getting the size that i want.
It's only around 1130am, and the queue is already very long. So, i asked hubb to queue at the check out counter as the queue is very very long, and i went to Information counter to check with them what type of promotion they are having when i don't see any jumbo Mamy Poko being displayed on the shelf. The reception at information counter told me " I don't know, this is not my counter, you need to ask Mamy Poko promoter" I get even more angry and i told him i don't care whether he know what is happening or not, i want to talk with the manager on duty, then only he told me he will get the Mamy Poko promoter to come to information counter to talk to me. Waited for a while, no one come and i told him i am not going to stand there and wait, i don't have much time to fool around with them. And he even asked me to sit and wait...DUH!
After a while, here come the Mamy Poko promoter, she walk with window shopping style , look here and there, and come to approach me. When i told her i am looking for Mamy Poko L and XL size, she told me NO STOCK!!! WHAT??????? and she said only has size smaller than L and ask me whether i want it or not. (use brain ok...if my kids can wear M size, then what for i jump up and down to look for L size?) And i asked her whether will she restock the diapers later today? And she said " I tak tahu!" WHAT????????? Angry already la and i scolded her and tell her " if this is the case, you better don't advertise in newspaper saying u have sales of all range of Mamy Poko diapers", and i told her i really feel cheated by the advertisement , furthermore this is not the first time i can't find the diapers that i want on sales day. I really get very dissapointed with Jusco's service, and i really never expect such a customer experience from Jusco.
I remember once, Tesco having crazy sales on diapers and the size of diapers that i want is out of stock, the information counter lady is so nice that she take the trouble to check for me when the new stock will arrive.
So, i rather pay more and no more shopping at Jaya Jusco, unless i have no choice!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Let's have fun!
Today is my 3rd day at my new world and apprently today is our department's team building day. We are going for lunch. And all of us thought that we need to go back to office continue to work after the lunch, however, our boss said NOPE NOPE NOPE!
According to him, in US, as long as it's team building day, the team observe half day off. So what we gonna do after lunch??
And the final decision is Bowling. **what a relief for me** I so scared when someone suggested hiking. I am not gonna hike under hot sun, later i will come back like little red indian.
In another 25 mins time, we will call the day off and head to Golden Triangle at Juru Auto City for lunch. After that, we will be going to Megamall for bowling. Has been LONG time i didn't bowl, am sure i will wash the bowling drain clean and clear. And also hopefully my hand wont be cacat-ed by tomorrow.
Let's have fun!!
According to him, in US, as long as it's team building day, the team observe half day off. So what we gonna do after lunch??
And the final decision is Bowling. **what a relief for me** I so scared when someone suggested hiking. I am not gonna hike under hot sun, later i will come back like little red indian.
In another 25 mins time, we will call the day off and head to Golden Triangle at Juru Auto City for lunch. After that, we will be going to Megamall for bowling. Has been LONG time i didn't bowl, am sure i will wash the bowling drain clean and clear. And also hopefully my hand wont be cacat-ed by tomorrow.
Let's have fun!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
A whole new world
Today, remarks new journey for me, is a brand new day for me... a whole new world.
Wish me luck ! haha!
As of now, i am surfing net, chatting with friends, shaking my legs. Well, this is what a person will do or enjoy before they get busy , busy and busy! Don't envy me!
Wish me luck ! haha!
As of now, i am surfing net, chatting with friends, shaking my legs. Well, this is what a person will do or enjoy before they get busy , busy and busy! Don't envy me!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Bye Bye bitter life
It's my last day in J. I don't have mixed feeling, the only feeling that i have is HAPPY!!!! Happy!!! and Happy!!!
And i can't really wait to leave office by 12 noon. In case you wonder why 12 noon and not 5pm, let me tell you.
My dear boss want us to work on Sunday for half day, and to compensate the half day of Sunday, we get second half off on Friday. But u think can have epace mind on Friday second half when the rest of the world still working? Of course no way, still need to entertain phone call or email from work...duh! Tipu orang punya half day off!
ok, back to my story
Boss called me and asked me to return the laptop to her before i leave office and at the same time, she asked me to return the calculator!! WHAT?? Calculator???? She said calculator is one of the starter kit that company give to us!! WHAT??? I must be loosing my memory. I don't recall HR gave me any calculator as starter kit. And i told her, No calculator given to me when i join. Then u know what, she said some people they just go buy a RM10 calculator and give back to the company. WTF!! Company NEVER give me one, and now want me to buy one give back?? I already pay the company RM10k+ for short notice penalty, and now still want to get RM10 from me...duh!!! And since my senior, she left her calculator to me when she leave the company, so together with the laptop i gave back to OV.
When she sees the calculator, she's so happy..she happily said to me
"just now you said no calculator, and how come now got calculator"
I told her,
" This calculator is given by Cindy to me when she left the company"
She happily said,
"See, i told you, the company gave u guys calculator in the starter kit"
I was like, WHAT??? my english is too bad or what...i said "Cindy" gave to me..not Company!!! Duh. You know what, this OV, she doesn't allow us to purchase stationary from company. She said "go grab from hotel when u stay in hotel, no need to buy one!" WAH LAU EH! And each of our desk, there's one white board beside us, for the whiteboard marker also SENDIRI BELI! So when i leave, of course i bring along my whiteboard markers la, throw away also happier than give to her! All my pens, papers, bla bla, i bring home too! Leaving behind nothing to her!
Anyhow, glad that i am leaving!!! And going to start my new journey in life!
And i can't really wait to leave office by 12 noon. In case you wonder why 12 noon and not 5pm, let me tell you.
My dear boss want us to work on Sunday for half day, and to compensate the half day of Sunday, we get second half off on Friday. But u think can have epace mind on Friday second half when the rest of the world still working? Of course no way, still need to entertain phone call or email from work...duh! Tipu orang punya half day off!
ok, back to my story
Boss called me and asked me to return the laptop to her before i leave office and at the same time, she asked me to return the calculator!! WHAT?? Calculator???? She said calculator is one of the starter kit that company give to us!! WHAT??? I must be loosing my memory. I don't recall HR gave me any calculator as starter kit. And i told her, No calculator given to me when i join. Then u know what, she said some people they just go buy a RM10 calculator and give back to the company. WTF!! Company NEVER give me one, and now want me to buy one give back?? I already pay the company RM10k+ for short notice penalty, and now still want to get RM10 from me...duh!!! And since my senior, she left her calculator to me when she leave the company, so together with the laptop i gave back to OV.
When she sees the calculator, she's so happy..she happily said to me
"just now you said no calculator, and how come now got calculator"
I told her,
" This calculator is given by Cindy to me when she left the company"
She happily said,
"See, i told you, the company gave u guys calculator in the starter kit"
I was like, WHAT??? my english is too bad or what...i said "Cindy" gave to me..not Company!!! Duh. You know what, this OV, she doesn't allow us to purchase stationary from company. She said "go grab from hotel when u stay in hotel, no need to buy one!" WAH LAU EH! And each of our desk, there's one white board beside us, for the whiteboard marker also SENDIRI BELI! So when i leave, of course i bring along my whiteboard markers la, throw away also happier than give to her! All my pens, papers, bla bla, i bring home too! Leaving behind nothing to her!
Anyhow, glad that i am leaving!!! And going to start my new journey in life!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Coutdown to the day
I am counting down to the DAY....
I am requesting to leave my existing company with short notice. With this, i need to pay the short notice penalty. I will need to pay for around 1.5 mths salary. Still pending for our C&B officer to let me know the amount.
During this time period, "she" still bug me a lot! And last Wednesday, customer escalated as my replacement didn't respond to their email. "She" called me up and scolded me WHY i didn't ask my replacement to reply customer's email. I was like , "WHAT???" Why do i need to remind my replacement to reply email? I thought he suppose to know what he's suppose to do! I was so mad and i slam the phone! So piss off...
Never mind, another week to go!
I am requesting to leave my existing company with short notice. With this, i need to pay the short notice penalty. I will need to pay for around 1.5 mths salary. Still pending for our C&B officer to let me know the amount.
During this time period, "she" still bug me a lot! And last Wednesday, customer escalated as my replacement didn't respond to their email. "She" called me up and scolded me WHY i didn't ask my replacement to reply customer's email. I was like , "WHAT???" Why do i need to remind my replacement to reply email? I thought he suppose to know what he's suppose to do! I was so mad and i slam the phone! So piss off...
Never mind, another week to go!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Flash back on the "day"
Monday (7th Sep 2009), "she" asked me to see her. Guess what is the topic for the discussion?
S: "she" ; M : Me
S: your replacement will be here today, so what you want to do. You have 2 choices,
a) You tender resignation
b) I fire you
M: **keep quiet, I wanted to tell her i will tender, but i still want to see what else she will do to me and what else she wants to say to me. so as per what i expect, she continue with her "valuable" talk**
S: You not worth the money the company paying you. You not qualify to hold the current position that you are holding.
M: **deep in my heart, i am laughing** why? Because she is the one who interviewed me, she is the one who hire me!! So if she thinks i am not worth the money and not qualify to hold my current position, so means that she judge me wrongly when she interviewed me! LOL! Oh..what a big mistake she had done in her life!
S: During that time, because we desperate need someone to backfill the person who's leaving, that's why we are willing to pay you that much.
M: **still keep quiet** who cares u r desperate looking for people or whatsoever. bottom line is, the company willing to pay me the salary that i asked if you think i am overpaid, then u should have hilight this to the HR when you want to hire me
S: you don't have such a big head, you should wear such a big hat. You are not worth the money that the company pay you.
M: **Duh** 佛都有火. (Buddha also got fire) But i still remain cool and keep showing her my silly face. Since i already decided to tender, what for i go justify and clarify and explain to her so much.
she continue fi li fa la talk non stop and i listen half don't listen half until don't sure for how long, finally she ler me go. she asked me to tell her my final decision by end of the day.
Oh yeah, before i left, she said:-
S: I want you to train up the replacement and then come to me and tell me whether he can handle the job or not.
M: **who cares! Again, u r the one who hire him, and you go and access him! I am leaving anyway, i don't even bother whether he will be able to handle the job or not, coz this is none of my business**
For the whole session, i just "ummm", "ok". and nothing much. What else u want me to say. Beg her? Cry in front of her? Or what knee down and apologies?" If i do so, i must be losing my mind !
Later i went to my desk, check on the chat archive between me and my replacement, he rold me he will be here on Tuesday (8th Sep 2009). I don't even bother to let her know that she's wrong, coz she may scold me back saying i gave her wrong info bla bla. She always has her own reason to scold me, as to her, i am stupid, i am dumb. And she is the greatest of all! So who cares!
S: "she" ; M : Me
S: your replacement will be here today, so what you want to do. You have 2 choices,
a) You tender resignation
b) I fire you
M: **keep quiet, I wanted to tell her i will tender, but i still want to see what else she will do to me and what else she wants to say to me. so as per what i expect, she continue with her "valuable" talk**
S: You not worth the money the company paying you. You not qualify to hold the current position that you are holding.
M: **deep in my heart, i am laughing** why? Because she is the one who interviewed me, she is the one who hire me!! So if she thinks i am not worth the money and not qualify to hold my current position, so means that she judge me wrongly when she interviewed me! LOL! Oh..what a big mistake she had done in her life!
S: During that time, because we desperate need someone to backfill the person who's leaving, that's why we are willing to pay you that much.
M: **still keep quiet** who cares u r desperate looking for people or whatsoever. bottom line is, the company willing to pay me the salary that i asked if you think i am overpaid, then u should have hilight this to the HR when you want to hire me
S: you don't have such a big head, you should wear such a big hat. You are not worth the money that the company pay you.
M: **Duh** 佛都有火. (Buddha also got fire) But i still remain cool and keep showing her my silly face. Since i already decided to tender, what for i go justify and clarify and explain to her so much.
she continue fi li fa la talk non stop and i listen half don't listen half until don't sure for how long, finally she ler me go. she asked me to tell her my final decision by end of the day.
Oh yeah, before i left, she said:-
S: I want you to train up the replacement and then come to me and tell me whether he can handle the job or not.
M: **who cares! Again, u r the one who hire him, and you go and access him! I am leaving anyway, i don't even bother whether he will be able to handle the job or not, coz this is none of my business**
For the whole session, i just "ummm", "ok". and nothing much. What else u want me to say. Beg her? Cry in front of her? Or what knee down and apologies?" If i do so, i must be losing my mind !
Later i went to my desk, check on the chat archive between me and my replacement, he rold me he will be here on Tuesday (8th Sep 2009). I don't even bother to let her know that she's wrong, coz she may scold me back saying i gave her wrong info bla bla. She always has her own reason to scold me, as to her, i am stupid, i am dumb. And she is the greatest of all! So who cares!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
What have i done on this auspicious day 09/09/09
Lots of people especially couple choose to get registered, married on this auspicious day, 09/09/09. SO DO I!! Me getting married? Nope, me going for giving birth? Nope, me going for my birthday celebration? Nope......then what did i do then...
I, finally TENDER my RESIGNATION! After so long, finally i did that on this auspicious day. He said i should have done it on 09/09/09 09:09:09am! Geez, i missed the auspicious time though. Never mind, i pick the day but not the time!
With this, i hope good luck will come to me and follow me as long as i wish!
I, finally TENDER my RESIGNATION! After so long, finally i did that on this auspicious day. He said i should have done it on 09/09/09 09:09:09am! Geez, i missed the auspicious time though. Never mind, i pick the day but not the time!
With this, i hope good luck will come to me and follow me as long as i wish!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
How much does happiness cost?
Can someone tell me how much do i need to pay for a day of happy at work?
I am more than willing and happy to pay for it.
Can someone tell me how to avoid get blame for things that not under my job scope?
I am more than happy to pay you if you can give me to tips or hints.
Can someone tell me how to how to get out from this messy place?
I am more than happy to pay you if you can get me out from this place.
I know, money is not everything, but without money, everything also cannot do.
That's why i am still stuck here even though i am not happy! even though my life is so miserable! even though everyday i go to work with happy face, and the moment i step into my work place, my back started to get shoot now and then!
If everyone don't have to work, how nice!
If money can buy happiness, how nice!
If i have money and power to shut these people away, HOW NICE!
I am more than willing and happy to pay for it.
Can someone tell me how to avoid get blame for things that not under my job scope?
I am more than happy to pay you if you can give me to tips or hints.
Can someone tell me how to how to get out from this messy place?
I am more than happy to pay you if you can get me out from this place.
I know, money is not everything, but without money, everything also cannot do.
That's why i am still stuck here even though i am not happy! even though my life is so miserable! even though everyday i go to work with happy face, and the moment i step into my work place, my back started to get shoot now and then!
If everyone don't have to work, how nice!
If money can buy happiness, how nice!
If i have money and power to shut these people away, HOW NICE!
Friday, April 3, 2009
my 2 kids
For don't know what reason, my 2 kids seems have very good relation with Ms Goh and uncle James. When Kaitlyn sees uncle James, she will be very excited and she will show the "come, carry me" sign.
But again, with those people who has blood relation, they don't seems bother to know their grandkids progress. Well, maybe they do get update from their son. And one thing that i am SURE is, they NEVR spend any single cent on my 2 kids!ARGH!!!
Even when strangers see my kids, some will play with them. And again, why the paternal grandparents has no feel on them. Maybe like friend said, it's better for them don't come over as me and them do not have any chemistry in between.
But again, with those people who has blood relation, they don't seems bother to know their grandkids progress. Well, maybe they do get update from their son. And one thing that i am SURE is, they NEVR spend any single cent on my 2 kids!ARGH!!!
Even when strangers see my kids, some will play with them. And again, why the paternal grandparents has no feel on them. Maybe like friend said, it's better for them don't come over as me and them do not have any chemistry in between.
I need your input
Chat with a friend on my thought of resign and stay at home.
He said, as long as hubby can support the household expenses, then can consider. But, actually my case is more complicated, as the problem is myslef.
First, i cannot let go my salary;
Second, i cannot let go my income;
Third, i cannot let go my wages;
so overall conclusion is, i cannot let go my pay!
So how?
And he said it took him 2 yrs to think over his wife's proposal to be full time house wife. So does it means i need to nag hubb for another few ore yrs before he agree to let me become full time housewife? No no, i don't want to be full time housewife, i want to be full time MUMMY. Because my full time housewife = maid; as full time housewife need to wash clothes, sweep floor, mop floor, cook, iron clothes...eww ; whereas full time mummy is just send, pick up kids from school, play with them, supervise them on their homework. Am i right? LOL!
So continue to work or continue to appeal for full time mummy application??
Welcome to 'si lai' club!
He said, as long as hubby can support the household expenses, then can consider. But, actually my case is more complicated, as the problem is myslef.
First, i cannot let go my salary;
Second, i cannot let go my income;
Third, i cannot let go my wages;
so overall conclusion is, i cannot let go my pay!
So how?
And he said it took him 2 yrs to think over his wife's proposal to be full time house wife. So does it means i need to nag hubb for another few ore yrs before he agree to let me become full time housewife? No no, i don't want to be full time housewife, i want to be full time MUMMY. Because my full time housewife = maid; as full time housewife need to wash clothes, sweep floor, mop floor, cook, iron clothes...eww ; whereas full time mummy is just send, pick up kids from school, play with them, supervise them on their homework. Am i right? LOL!
So continue to work or continue to appeal for full time mummy application??
Welcome to 'si lai' club!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Is this what i want?
Recently, i being assigned something new in my job. And things started to change, my nightmare come...
First of all, i being escalated by the customer for no reason...darn
Second, again i bring escalated by the customer for no reason...double darn...
Third, Fourth will be same too....
I really have no idea why that lady keep biting at me. Friend said, maybe she afraid of me will go complain on her, so she complain and back stab me first. Well, frankly, ever since i start to take up this new assignment, i feel very upset, unhappy, and every night i have to work til late night, midnight, and i am working now. While waiting for data loading, i sneak and update my blog. Feel so guilty as i didn't update my kids blog promptly. I will try my best to update theirs.
Usually i will be in the room with the 2 kids, tugging both of them at the same time. One hand hugging Kaitlyn and the other hand pat Kelvin. But for these few night, i need to shut my ears as Kelvin will cry so badly when he doesn't see me in the room when he wants to sleep.While i am typing this, i heard Kelvin crying in the room. But, i can't walk into the room, coz when he sees me, he will cry even louder. so i will leave to hubb to handle him.
As for Kaitlyn, mom needs to help me tug her to sleep. Every night, mom will let her sleep in cradle in her house, then send her home and make sure she's still sleeping when she reached our house so that i can continue to do my work without interruption. And u know what, i used to nurse her before she sleeps, and for these few days, because i am so tight up with my FOREVER unfinished job, so i didn't nurse her, mom bottle feed her and tug her to bed. And i noticed that, for those night that i didn't nurse her before she sleeps, when she wakes up at middle of the night, she will look around as if she is looking for something and when i go near her, she will throw me a SWEET smile middle of the night and continue to sleep. My heart sank when i see her doing so. I feel so guilty.
I am not sure what i should do next!
I am so upset at work, and i am having 2 upset kids at home. All because of me. Sometimes i am so frustrated coz i need to stay late and get my job done and i am so tired, so i will be a bit frustrated when Kelvin wants to play with me. I will just shut him off. I am such a lousy and bad mom! As for hubb, i hardly talk to him nowadays, coz i feel exhausted and tired, and i don't know how and what to tell him. I don't want to bring the unhappiness from work back home, but my face and expression betray me! I am such a lousy wife at the same time too!
PLEASE tell me, what should i do. Seriously, if my company ever offer VSS again, i will TAKE IT without any DOUBT. I am willingly to forgo my pay and what i want is happy life. I am very tired and exhausted. GOD, HELP ME if you HEAR ME!
First of all, i being escalated by the customer for no reason...darn
Second, again i bring escalated by the customer for no reason...double darn...
Third, Fourth will be same too....
I really have no idea why that lady keep biting at me. Friend said, maybe she afraid of me will go complain on her, so she complain and back stab me first. Well, frankly, ever since i start to take up this new assignment, i feel very upset, unhappy, and every night i have to work til late night, midnight, and i am working now. While waiting for data loading, i sneak and update my blog. Feel so guilty as i didn't update my kids blog promptly. I will try my best to update theirs.
Usually i will be in the room with the 2 kids, tugging both of them at the same time. One hand hugging Kaitlyn and the other hand pat Kelvin. But for these few night, i need to shut my ears as Kelvin will cry so badly when he doesn't see me in the room when he wants to sleep.While i am typing this, i heard Kelvin crying in the room. But, i can't walk into the room, coz when he sees me, he will cry even louder. so i will leave to hubb to handle him.
As for Kaitlyn, mom needs to help me tug her to sleep. Every night, mom will let her sleep in cradle in her house, then send her home and make sure she's still sleeping when she reached our house so that i can continue to do my work without interruption. And u know what, i used to nurse her before she sleeps, and for these few days, because i am so tight up with my FOREVER unfinished job, so i didn't nurse her, mom bottle feed her and tug her to bed. And i noticed that, for those night that i didn't nurse her before she sleeps, when she wakes up at middle of the night, she will look around as if she is looking for something and when i go near her, she will throw me a SWEET smile middle of the night and continue to sleep. My heart sank when i see her doing so. I feel so guilty.
I am not sure what i should do next!
I am so upset at work, and i am having 2 upset kids at home. All because of me. Sometimes i am so frustrated coz i need to stay late and get my job done and i am so tired, so i will be a bit frustrated when Kelvin wants to play with me. I will just shut him off. I am such a lousy and bad mom! As for hubb, i hardly talk to him nowadays, coz i feel exhausted and tired, and i don't know how and what to tell him. I don't want to bring the unhappiness from work back home, but my face and expression betray me! I am such a lousy wife at the same time too!
PLEASE tell me, what should i do. Seriously, if my company ever offer VSS again, i will TAKE IT without any DOUBT. I am willingly to forgo my pay and what i want is happy life. I am very tired and exhausted. GOD, HELP ME if you HEAR ME!
Friday, March 13, 2009
I am here!!
Hello all....i am still alive and kicking.
Back to work on January09 from my maternity leave and temporary doing some easy job, kicking and shaking my legs for the past 2 months plus and then now being assign on a new assignment, actually is doing back the previous role as global demand planner. The only different is taking care another business unit and this business unit is more towards buy and sell, so again different as the business uni that i handle before i go for maternity leave...hello...u still there with me or already confuse by me?
ok, in summary, i am now picking up something new and quite busy. Still adjusting myself to the working world as i have been in dreamland for quite some time. So pls bear with me, i will be ow in updating my baby blog and personal blog.
Back to work on January09 from my maternity leave and temporary doing some easy job, kicking and shaking my legs for the past 2 months plus and then now being assign on a new assignment, actually is doing back the previous role as global demand planner. The only different is taking care another business unit and this business unit is more towards buy and sell, so again different as the business uni that i handle before i go for maternity leave...hello...u still there with me or already confuse by me?
ok, in summary, i am now picking up something new and quite busy. Still adjusting myself to the working world as i have been in dreamland for quite some time. So pls bear with me, i will be ow in updating my baby blog and personal blog.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Me and my new look
One fine day ~ 9 of Feb, i decided to go ahead for hair cut, so asked hubb to drop me at the hair saloon. He thought i am going for hair trim, so when he picked me up, he get shocked seeing me with short hair...yeah! I really go for a REAL hair CUT! Feel so fresh now. Economy is bad must save some hair shampoo!! yeah right!
So now, no worry that Kelvina nd Kaitlyn will pull my hairs! And no need to worry what hair pin to use to match with my clothes every morning!
My hair used to be that long......

and now, it's become like this!
So now, no worry that Kelvina nd Kaitlyn will pull my hairs! And no need to worry what hair pin to use to match with my clothes every morning!
My hair used to be that long......
and now, it's become like this!
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